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Changing from a Traditional Psychodynamic Treatment Programme to Mentalization-Based Treatment for Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder

Kvarstein, E.H., Pedersen,. G., Urnes, Ø., Hummelen,, B., Wilberg, T., Karterud, S. (2015)
Changing from a traditional psychodynamic treatment programme to mentalization-based treatment for patients with borderline personality disorder – Does it make a difference? Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice  88, 1, p 71–86,

Verslaggever Willem de Haas


This study aimed to investigate outcomes for BPD patients treated in an MBT programme in a Norwegian specialist treatment unit and compare benefits of the implemented MBT with the unit's former psychodynamic treatment programme (=Treatment As Usual=TAU).
Design A naturalistic, longitudinal, comparison of treatment effects for BPD patients before and after transition to MBT.
Methods The sample consisted of 345 BPD patients treated in the period 1993–2013. Before 2008, patients were admitted to a psychodynamic treatment programme (n = 281), after 2008 patients received MBT (n = 64). Symptom distress, interpersonal problems, and global functioning were assessed repeatedly throughout the treatment. Suicidal/self-harming acts, hospital admissions, medication, and occupational status were assessed at the start and end of treatment. Therapists' competence and adherence to MBT was rated and found satisfactory. The statistical method for longitudinal analyses was mixed models.
Results BPD patients in MBT and in the former psychodynamic treatment programme had comparable baseline severity and impairments of functioning. BPD patients in MBT had a remarkably low drop-out rate (2%), significantly lower than the former treatment. Improvements of symptom distress, interpersonal, global and occupational functioning were significantly greater for MBT patients. Large reductions in suicidal/self-harming acts, hospital admissions, and use of medication were evident in the course of both treatments.
ConclusionsThe study confirms the effectiveness of MBT for BPD patients and indicates greater clinical benefits than in traditional psychodynamic treatment programmes.
>MBT is an effective treatment may be more beneficial than  psychodynamic treatment programmes for BPD patient

Wat betekent dit voor de groepspsychotherapie en nvgp

MBT is traditioneel een combi van individuele- en groepspsychotherapie en er bestaan tot nu toe geen onderzoeken waarin het effect van het groepstherapeutische aandeel aan het resultaat concreet gemaakt is. We kunnen dus slechts indirect iets over de MBT-groepspsychotherapie zeggen. Welliswaar geen RCT, maar wel een serieus onderzoek. In beide condities ging het om een 2 daags deeltijdprogramma. De TAU: psychodynamische groepspsychotherpie,  groepsoefentherapie, CT en PMT. Het MBT programma: individuele MBT psychotherapie, MBT psychoeducatie groep en MBT groepspsychotherapie. Beide deeltijdprogramma’s  waren beperkt in duur (3 tot 12 maanden) waarna de behandeling z.n. ambulant werd voortgezet. In de MBT conditie alleen met MBT groepspsychotherapie.  Ik denk dat we voorzichtig wel mogen concluderen dat MBT groepspsychotherapie effectief is bij de behandeling van mensen met een borderline persoonlijkheidsstoornis.
Binnenkort komt er een MBT groepspsychotherapie manual wist Sigmund Karterud mij te vertellen. Hij is internationaal bekend als onderzoeker van de MBT groepspsychotherapie.

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